Source Code and Samples

Thursday 8 February 2007

List Users from a Organizational Unit (OU)


List Users from a Organizational Unit (OU).

Source Code

$Dom = "LDAP://OU=OfficeUsers,DC=powershellscripts,DC=blogspot,DC=com"
$Root = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry $Dom

# Create a selector and start searching from the Root of AD
$selector = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$selector.SearchRoot = $root
# Filter the users with -like "CN=Person*". Note the ForEach loop
$adobj= $selector.findall() where {
$ -like "CN=Person*"
foreach ($person in $adobj)
Write-host "First name: $($prop.givenname) Surname: $($ User: $($"
Write-host "There are $($adobj.count) users in the $($ domain"


Unknown said...

TYPO - should be:
| where
not just
where said...

Thanks for the script

Boikanyo said...

Thanks for the script - but it only counts the number of "Person" objects in that specific OU.